Monday, January 5, 2009

Credit Card Offer Update

It's been two days since I signed up for the discover gas card and I have suprising (but good) news.  The discription on the offer says that I must apply and be approved for the credit card.  It also says I must make a purchase with the card.  Today when I logged into my cashcrate account I noticed that the $45.00 which was in pending for the credit card offer was moved to my account.  This means I don't even have to activate my credit card and can cut it up and throw it away as soon as I get it.  To be on the safe side, I plan on holding onto the credit card until I receive a check for signing up for it, but it definitely saves me the hastle of keeping the card for an extra month and making sure I don't forget to pay it.

On another note, If you've been following my blog you'll know that school begins for me tomorrow.   Today I picked up all the books I needed and was plesently suprised to find out that it cost me less than $100 for the entire quarter's worth of books.  I often buy the books online for a better deal, but this time the books were just as cheap at the campus store :-)

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