Thursday, January 8, 2009

School and such

Wow... classes are pretty intense and it's only the first week.  Perhaps it will get easier once I settle down and figure out which classes I'm taking exactly.  However, I fear that I may have to stop posting my earnings on cashcrate. :-(

My earnings for the month are at $50.25 (45 of which are from the credit card I signed up for).  I also got my first (active) referral.  I'd like to invite anyone with questions to please contact me and I will do my best to answer them.  Also, feel free to comment on the blogs with any questions or comments.  Make sure you subscribe to my blog to catch the latest updates.  That’s about all the time I have now to post :-(

Happy cashcrating

Monday, January 5, 2009

Credit Card Offer Update

It's been two days since I signed up for the discover gas card and I have suprising (but good) news.  The discription on the offer says that I must apply and be approved for the credit card.  It also says I must make a purchase with the card.  Today when I logged into my cashcrate account I noticed that the $45.00 which was in pending for the credit card offer was moved to my account.  This means I don't even have to activate my credit card and can cut it up and throw it away as soon as I get it.  To be on the safe side, I plan on holding onto the credit card until I receive a check for signing up for it, but it definitely saves me the hastle of keeping the card for an extra month and making sure I don't forget to pay it.

On another note, If you've been following my blog you'll know that school begins for me tomorrow.   Today I picked up all the books I needed and was plesently suprised to find out that it cost me less than $100 for the entire quarter's worth of books.  I often buy the books online for a better deal, but this time the books were just as cheap at the campus store :-)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Credit Card Offer

Today I signed up and was approved for the Discover Gas Card. As soon as I receive the card and make a purchase I will be credited $45 in my cashcrate account. I often receive offers for credit cards which will pay me $40-$100 or give me a free round trip flight. I usually use these credit cards once, make sure my rewards have been credited, and cancel afterwards. I expect this credit card to be no different.

On a side note, school begins again next Tuesday. This means I will have much less time to surf cashcrate for free offers. I plan on continuing to make money on the site, but with less haste than I am at the moment. My current earnings for January is at $4.75.

Happy cashcrating.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Month, A New Year

Ok... enough with all that formal crap on cashcrate. It is my new years resolution to actually start being myself with the site. So of course it was new years last night. After the morning hangover I found some time to log into cashcrate. I was pleased to see with the new month, my money earned was put aside. it came out to $20.45. Not bad seeing as I signed up late in December. From what I hear, the check should arrive by the 20th of January.

Lets see if I can beat the amount this month and earn more than $20 on cashcrate. Happy cashing!
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